5 Common Myths About Knee Replacement Surgery

If you have suffered from knee pain for a while, your doctor may have suggested getting knee replacement surgery. It is a commonly performed surgery and can help you live a normal life again. However, you may believe certain myths that hold you back from getting the procedure.

Here are common myths about knee replacement surgery you should no longer believe.

Knee Replacement Surgery Is Only for the Elderly

While it is true that many senior citizens undergo knee replacement surgery every year, they are not the only ones who can benefit from it. Certain diseases and trauma can sometimes warrant the procedure in younger people. If the surgery will eliminate your pain and improve your quality of life, it may be worth getting at an earlier age.

Knee Replacement Surgery Will Prevent Me from Doing Certain Activities

Another reason why some people shy away from knee replacement surgery is that they think it will limit their activities. However, once you are fully healed, you will be able to perform almost all activities without any discomfort.

Knee Replacement Surgery Requires Months of Bed Rest

After knee replacement surgery, you will not just be lying around in bed all day. Your doctor will advise you to move around slowly and gradually immediately after your surgery. You will need to use crutches or walkers in the beginning, however, to help you get around.

Knee Replacement Surgery Should Wait Until You Can't Walk

Some people mistakenly believe that they should wait until they are completely immobile to consider knee replacement surgery. However, you should actually consider getting knee replacement surgery once your knee pain affects your daily routine. If you have trouble completing basic tasks around your home, for example, knee replacement surgery may be beneficial.

Knee Replacements Feel Artificial

While that may have been true many years ago, it is not the case today. There have been many technological advances in these implants in the last few years. It will look and function like your natural knee and you will never have to worry about it feeling strange in your body.

As you can see, there are many misconceptions about knee replacement surgery. If your knee pain is preventing you from living a normal life, you should make an appointment with an orthopedist as soon as possible. He or she can evaluate your knee pain and determine if surgery is the proper solution. Talk to a consultant, like Texas Orthopedic Surgery Consultants, today to get your questions answered.
