Tips For Dealing With Foot Pain

Aching feet can happen for several reasons. If you are walking, running, stretching, or are at rest and you feel pain in your foot there are a few things you can do. The following is a look at the best ways to relieve pain.

Foot Baths

Having a foot bath may be just what you need to get your feet to stop aching. You can add Epsom salts to your foot bath to help soothe any aching muscles you may have. You can also use Epsom salt to relieve swelling as well.

An Epsom salt bath is relatively easy to make. All you have to do is add the Epsom salt to a tub of warm water and soak your feet.

Wear Arch Support

Sometimes your feet start to hurt simply because you are not supporting the arches of your foot correctly. Having support in your shoes can help you to feel more stabilized when you are running, walking, or just standing. Depending on how severe your foot pain is, you can either buy these arches over the counter or have your doctor prescribe specific ones for your needs.

Choose Your Shoes Wisely

Sometimes your shoes may be the reason why you're having foot pain. Certain styles of shoes are more likely to hurt your feet than others, even if you have them in the right size. If you wear a particular shoe regularly and you suspect that it may be hurting rather than helping your foot pain it's time to stop wearing them.

Use Ice

Ice is another great remedy for any kind of foot pain you may be feeling. Ice can help to relieve soreness and soothe any inflammation that may be causing the pain. To use this treatment, fill a plastic bag with some ice and apply it to your feet every fifteen minutes.

Foot Massage

Massages can work for just about any part of your body and your feet are no different.  A foot massage is an excellent way for you to relieve foot pain quickly. You can do it yourself or ask someone to do it for you. Use lotion, or oil to lubricate your feet before massaging. This should make it easier for you to give a more effective massage.

Foot pain can make your day very uncomfortable. You need to get around to do your daily tasks and pain can make that difficult. Try a combination of the strategies discussed here to get relief. For more information, contact a heel pain doctor near you.
