Reasons For Knee Replacement Surgery And Drawbacks Of Avoiding It

Degenerative joint disease, which can be caused by osteoarthritis, can cause severe pain, decreased mobility, and loss of function in your knee joints. If conservative treatments such as anti-inflammatory medications, rest, ice, and exercise fail to relieve your symptoms, or if your knee joint is severely damaged, knee replacement surgery may be your best option. Here are some reasons why you may need knee replacement surgery as well as some drawbacks of avoiding the procedure. 

Reasons For Getting Knee Replacement Surgery

Degenerative joint disease often causes erosion of the cartilage that helps cushion your knee joint. While early degenerative joint disease is often asymptomatic, progressive disease can cause debilitating pain, severe morning stiffness, and decreased range of motion. While non-surgical interventions—such as medication, walking devices such as a cane or a walker, and physical therapy—can help manage your symptoms, extensive degenerative joint disease typically necessitates surgical intervention. 

Knee replacement surgery is a long-term pain management solution for people with severe osteoarthritis and subsequent joint damage. During your knee replacement procedure, your doctor will replace your damaged knee with an artificial implant which will help restore your mobility and significantly decrease your pain. Following your knee surgery, your doctor will recommend physical therapy to help promote the healing process, enhance flexibility, and improve your gait.

Drawbacks Of Avoiding Knee Replacement Surgery

Avoiding joint replacement surgery for your degenerative joint disease of the knee has major drawbacks. Because the condition is degenerative, it means that it will most likely progress. If the damaged joint is not removed and replaced with a prosthetic knee, your pain may become more severe, leading to weakness and balance problems. This can put you at risk for falls and diminish the quality of your life.

Delaying your knee surgery may also put additional stress on your legs, hips, and back, further contributing to your disability. Another major drawback of avoiding knee surgery is that the medications you take to relieve your symptoms may cause problems with your liver and contribute to high blood pressure. This may be more likely to occur if you take the medications in high doses or for long periods of time. In addition, certain anti-inflammatory medications can cause kidney problems, especially for people with diabetes, congestive heart failure, and existing kidney disease. 

If conservative treatment options are ineffective in managing your knee pain, consider the benefits of knee replacement surgery.  It can help change your life for the better so that you can enjoy a more pain-free and active lifestyle.

Contact a local doctor to learn more about knee replacement surgery
